Destination setting - Fixer la destination
Post by iconPost by Audaces | 2020-12-28 | 04:14:25

Hi e-sailors,Bonjour les e-voileux.

I'm currently using zezo for several races and it appears that when I set the destination (eg "go to hobart"), the proposed route never goes until this red cercle. Same thing if I mark manually the destination in the red circle. Why ? How can I enforce a route until the required destination?

J'utlise actuellement zezo pour plusieurs courses. Quelle que soit la course, la route proposée par zezo ne me mène jamais exactement jusqu'au point final (qu'il soit fixé manuellement dans le cercle rouge ou que j'aie indiqué "GoTO"..)
Pourquoi? comment faire pour qu'il me propose une route jusqu'à la destination souhaitée?


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Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2020-12-28 | 12:44:31
You can't. The router is actually pretty good routing around obstructions but there are limits to what it can do. Set the destination to an intermediate point that you think is close to the optimal route, or just use the routing as it is if it obviously leads you in the right direction.

Btw. this question gets asked a lot. Here is an FAQ thread, initiated by YourMomSA which has answers to most questions regarding zezo.

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