VR Dashboard EOL
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2024-09-25 | 10:55:54

You've probably all had a chance to see the latest VR development for the upcoming Vendee Globe.

VR already was way too expensive for my budget in the past month and years, but this time I think they've gone too far. I also don't appreciate the contempt towards customers and the disrespect for software engineering that transpires from their propositions.

I've really had it with VR this time. I've halted my involvement with anything related to VR.

I've unpublished VR Dashboard. Existing installations will remain in place and continue to work, except for the map. There will be no further updates.

It was a sad decision for me, because virtual sailing at times was a full-time hobby for me and I even found new friends, but it's time for me to move on.

commenticon 10 Comments
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA2 | 2024-09-25 | 14:30:24
Thanks, Hardtack, for years of outstanding and very impressive development on Dashboard. I have huge respect for your work and your decision. I'd just like to recommend staying in touch with the community. Maybe this time around, they've made a big enough mistake to eventually realize they need to change their approach.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA2 | 2024-09-25 | 14:48:57
Cvetan... Just a thought... If you're considering going in the same direction as Hardtack... Please don't kill this forum. It's the only place I know of where people discuss VR without being censored by VR.
Post by iconPost by ced44sortlespi | 2024-09-25 | 15:51:25
Usually I read the forum but don't participate.
Today I created an account to thank VR Dashboard contributors.
I'm just a small gamer with no scope, but I've used VR Dashboard before and really liked the quality of it.
Like YourMomSA2, I have enormous respect for your developments and your investment.
Hoping to keep you by our side.
Post by iconPost by Pastoo | 2024-09-25 | 15:58:16
Thank you Hardtack for your work to our community.
I understand your disappointment.
VR is really going to a wrong way for too long.

Post by iconPost by PassTaga- | 2024-09-28 | 16:02:40
Thanks for all you did for us, Michael.
Post by iconPost by ksymeon | 2024-10-06 | 10:30:56
Really sad to hear this Hardtack, but I do understand. I've played VR first in 2012 and been coming back just for the Vendees, I agree, it's really disappointing to see the latest update. I have not used VR dashboard before, I use zezo.org for my routing in a bit more manual fashion - with some handmade extension of my own. But it's still a shame to see how a botched update and a questionable development direction has disheartened people like you who've been essentially complementing VR with their tools. Thank you for what you've done for the community!
Post by iconPost by russor | 2024-10-07 | 18:03:28
Few years ago I have created on a base of VR Dashboard plugin to have shore views during VR races in Cesiumjs. Recently I made the same for Google Earth. In good old VR Dashboard it works perfectly. I tryed it in a new I.T.Y.C. VR Dashboard plugin and failed. When I get know what was happened from this forum I was absolutely frustrated. Thank you very much Hardtack for you great and selfless work. Good luck in a new hobby. After Vendee Globe I will go out of VR! Someone know alternatives?

Post by iconPost by Robot_Rock | 2024-10-10 | 15:57:02
Thanks for all the work !

Post by iconPost by jroualet | 2024-10-11 | 09:19:45
Amen to all what you've done ;)
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2024-10-16 | 22:17:05
Ciao, ciao for me too.
VR had crossed the red line...
Thx zezo and Hardtack, pair of aces..!
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