Show different routes
Post by iconPost by Briks | 2021-11-08 | 23:51:11

Hello, I'm doing the Transat Jacques Vabre in Imoca and using for the first time ZEZO.

This evening, the route I was following made a huge change with the forecast update, but maybe just because the new one is 2 miles shorter. Is it possible to show from the beginning the different routes I could follow ?

If not, How can I avoid a huge change every time the forecast is updated ? I think I will loose time if I follow the routes which are changing.
Thanks in advance !

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Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-11-09 | 13:05:03
If you want to stick with a routing rather than changing every time the forecast changes, choose a destination that's along the route you want to stay on, right-click, and use "set as destination". This will force the router to take you to that spot instead of making a huge turn to go the other way. Sometimes this is a good decision. Sometimes it is not. You are correct that it's better to commit to a stratefgy than to alternate between multiple... but... you also have to be fortunate to choose the correct strategy.
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