Add TWD in Fleet Sheet of the Dashboard?
Post by iconPost by jim | 2021-11-27 | 18:10:21

Hi Hardtack,
I looked for, but could not find a post related to this topic.

Opponents performance the player's one depends on their TWA and TWS.
Nevertheless, a favorable TWD (vs common goal to reach, for example) would ease to get a favorable TWA or cancel a lack of wind.

It can be determined by difference between TWA and Heading, but a direct display would ease to compare the TWD between opponents and vs the player's TWD.

As such, would there be any room to add TWD in column in the fleet sheet?

Many thanks to all of you for the job done. Great achievements. Much Appreciated. Will donate.
Best regards

commenticon 5 Comments
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2021-11-28 | 13:09:17
I have to admit I'm a bit reluctant to add yet another column. The tables look quite overloaded already. I also don't really see what advantage knowing the wind direction would bring?

Instead, I thought about adding VMG or VMC. The target point for determining VMC could be entered via the map.

By the way, are there any columns that no one uses? The position and status columns look like candidates to me.

Post by iconPost by jim | 2021-11-28 | 17:48:57
Many thanks for your kind reply. I understand your position.
VMC would be nice. I do not use status in column, only via the upper choice box. Maybe position would be of use (although taking up here a significant room) in case of periodic extract + automation.
Best regards
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-11-29 | 00:37:15
I've been wishing for VMC for a loooooong time.
Post by iconPost by Paspox | 2021-11-29 | 08:08:23
Me too, I would really like to see a VMC column !
Personnaly, under the Fleet tab, I dont use "Bearing", "State" and "Position".

And to me, next to "DTF", a "relative DTF" (= my DTF - DTF of other boats, which would be positive for boats closer to the finish, negative for boats further) would be a more relevant info than DTU.
I find myself calculating this "relative DTF" fairly often.

Thanks for all your work Hardtack.

Post by iconPost by zecagou | 2021-11-29 | 12:46:42
Hi Hardtack,
please don't remove any current columns from the Fleet tab, all are useful.
Thanks for your great job, this dashboard is awesome!
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