Jules Verne, is there no problem with the card until the finish?

Post by
Jeanbern19 | 2023-02-14 | 19:29:07
Good evening,
on the Jules Verne, is there no problem with the card until the finish?
Unable to place a scheduling point until the finish.
I don't go beyond the south of Ireland.
"Go to finish" does not go to the finish
I am 6-7 days from arrival
I put captures
Thank you all

Post by
Jeanbern19 | 2023-02-14 | 19:39:05
isochrones are absent until arrival

Post by
zezo | 2023-02-15 | 11:57:49
Or right click and 'center chart'. It gets lost sometimes.

Post by
Rostef | 2023-02-15 | 06:17:20
Right click and select ‚ignore gates‘ might help solving that?

Post by
Jeanbern19 | 2023-02-16 | 06:08:32
Good morning ,
thanks to you two . But no effect.
I think it's due to a big elongated (grosse Molle en Français) limp souqs ireland, but it seems to be getting better little by little
Thank you all

Post by
ogin8 | 2023-02-19 | 19:36:43
The answer for this fenomena is very simple. Nature is more complex than the human brain can put into mathematical formulas.